Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Live Happy, Live Long
A new study published today, December 5th, shows evidence that more outgoing gorillas live longer than shy gorillas. 298 gorillas were chosen to study and followed for over 18 years. By recording the life span of these animals we now have the evidence that the happier a gorillas is, the longer it may live. Just as we as humans live longer as extroverts, gorillas have the same results. This shows us that living a happy life really can affect how many years we live. Considering we are very closely related to apes and primates, this statement has only been proven even more after today. The old saying says, “Laughter makes you live longer” so now, why can’t it be “Spontaneity makes you live longer”? Next time you are faced with the question, “Is it better to be shy or outgoing?” just remember, shyness may decrease the years in your life. Even the gorillas say so!

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